Valerie Cunningham Honored

With the things that have appeared in the newspapers the last few days, I cringe when opening my RSS feeds from them these days.  Between the sudden untimely death of Bernie Mac at 50 yesterday and Isaac Hayes today, I almost left the reading until tomorrow lest there was another tragic passing.  However, I was pleasantly surprised to see someone I have met personally written up in the Boston Globe today – Valerie Cunningham.  For those of you who do not know her, Valerie has worked tirelessly to record and promote education about the black families who lived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire from colonial times to present. 

I had the pleasure of meeting her for the first time at the NERGC 2005 Portland conference and again at the FGS Boston conference in 2006.  She is a wonderful person and it is great to see her hard work getting the recognition it deserves. 

The link for the article is here:

Congratulations Valerie!

July/August Issue of AAHGS News Out

The July/August 2008 issue of AAHGS Newsis at the printer.  Featured in this issue, available to AAHGS members or by purchasing an issue at the website, is our annual conference promotion and schedule. 

The conference will be held on the 6-9 November 2008 at Marriott Inn and Conference Center on the University of Maryland campus in Adelphi, Maryland.  The luncheons at the conference will be hosted by local authors including Thomas Battle, Donna Wells, Bertie Bowman, Ta-Nehisi Coates, C.R. Gibbs, Rohulamin Quander, and Psyche Williams-Forson.   

Registration should be postmarked no later than September 15th to get the discounted rate of $325 (members) or $365 (non-members) for all three days including all meals on Friday and Saturday, snacks, and Sunday brunch.  Registrations for the full conference after the deadline will be $400 (members) or $435 (non-members).  If you cannot attend the entire conference, a day rate is offered for members and non-members with a choice of meals/no meals. 

See the website at for more details.